Khandelwal Development Forum Society

Women Empowerment

KDF is taking many initiatives for empowering women. Mobilizing, Helping, Creating an eco-system environment through which Khandelwal Samaj women realizes their inherent key strengths. It is the time for empowering women and increase national wealth by encouraging Khandewal Samaj’s women to be part of the economic agenda.

Today Indian woman is educated, confident and can prove her superiority in sustaining all spheres of work and life, provided given equal chance.

Future Milestone 2018-2019
  • Skill Development Training and Sessions
  • Sessions for Women Entrepreneurship and start up initiatives
  • Expansion of Sriprasadam
  • Designing Training for Fashion Accessories
  • Beauty and Fittness Courses

Get In Touch


E-58, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302016, India





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